Our hotel in Vegas.

Paul, Ken, Dale, and myself in the Excaliber.
Beatty, Nevada.
Dale used blue painters tape to write out Paul's name and number on the vehicles.
Wild burros.
Me at a very low point.
Ken, Dale, Vince, Vince, and Paul.
Karla flew down before the race to surprise Paul and wish him luck. She would have loved to stay and crew/pace, but had to return to her new job before the race began.
Waiting in line for the pre-race meeting in Stovepipe Wells.
Not sure what to make out of Dale's and Ken's expressions.
Paul's grinning with happiness because the temperature is so nice and cool! Daytime highs during the race were in the low 120's
Vince: Pacer extraordinaire. Master chef. Foot care genius. Here he is cooking up a hot meal on his Jet Boil while Paul contemplates what over 100 miles in the heat does to a pair of feet. This photo taken in the hostel at Lone Pine, about 120 miles into the race.
Vince draining and taping blisters.
Paul and Vince wearing their reflective vests and flashing lights (front and back), which were required from one-half hour before sunset until one-half hour after sunrise.
Vince and Paul headed toward the high country.
Ken at the crew vehicle.
Sunrise lighting up Mt. Whitney.
Dale and Ken awaiting Paul for another crewing session.
The Grimm Brothers. Ken paced Paul on the final miles up to the finish line.
Crew van.
Above, a look back at the Owens Valley.
Vince, Vince, Paul, Dale and Ken at Whitney Portals.
Chris Kostman, the race director presenting Paul with his finishers medal!
At the awards ceremony and post-race pizza party.
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