Karen at the Bear Lake parking lot.

Sunrise on the Flattop Mountain Trail.

The true summit of Hallett lit up by the morning sun in the middle of the picture.

Great camouflage on this ptarmigan!

Pica gathering some food from the tundra.

One of many we saw on the hike.

Karen hoofing it up the Flattop Mountain trail with Notchtop visible on the right.

Nice view of another ptarmigan.

A pair of marmots.

View of Longs Peak to the south. Still some snow on the north face and in the lower reaches of the Trough.

These are, um, yellow trail flowers. Yeah, that's it, Colorado Yellow Trail Flowers.

Karen near the summit of Flattop with Hallett above her left shoulder.

Karen and I on the summit of Hallett Peak! We were thankful for the shelter of a makeshift rock wall up there to protect us from the wind.

We had a great view here looking down the grassy, eastern summit ridge of Hallett. The far end of this ridge drops of in a sheer cliff, which, when viewed from Bear Lake, appears to be the mountains summit.

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