Karen and Pat on top of Lilly Mountain.

On the trail to Dream Lake.

Pat at Dream Lake. Hallett Peak in the background.

A short dance break (break dance?) on the trail.

Karen and Pat on our deck.

Pat and Karen in Pat's rental vehicle on Trail Ridge Road. 

September 21st, not even officially fall yet, and winter is trying to sneak in!

Ground squirrel begging for food during our lunch break at Cub Lake.

Cub Lake, September 11th.

Karen in front of changing aspens just before "The Pool".

The rut has started and these big bulls are getting frisky.

Karen and I have had to install some stronger protection for our trees. The nylon netting and plastic poles we used around the first aspen we planted were insufficient protection from the always-hungry deer and elk. So now we are going with seven foot metal posts and fourteen gauge welded fencing. Photo taken September 4th.

Sasquatch preparing for our training run around Lumpy Ridge on September 12th.

Dale brought along some beer and shared it, in spite of me missing a trail sign post and turning our fifteen mile run into a nineteen miler...four extra miles in the snow at 9,600 feet!

Scotts Irish Festival in Estes Park, September 13th. This year are friends ( and ex-neighbors in Arvada) John and Lorraine joined us for a good time at the festival.

Already a fresh dusting of snow on Meeker and Longs Peak.

John enjoying haggis and Guinness.

John, Lorraine, and I raising a glass.

Haggis, kind of like what I imagine gourmet dog-food would taste like. Went well with Guinness, though! Photo taken by Lorraine.

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